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Your Health

Mamba Mentality

Welcome back to your weekly article. It’s really weird, how a person you never met can make you feel so many emotions. Today I wanted to honour the amazing work ethic and determination this man had. Kobe Bryant and his prodigy Gigi sadly lost their lives and brought with it a sharp reminder to us all that we take life for granted.

Firstly, let me be clear I am not a huge fan of basketball. Nor am I going to pretend that I know all about him and followed him like some fans in India follow Amitabh Bachchan Ji. I am also going to put my hand up and say I am not really that affected by some of the famous people that pass away. But what I do know was the sheer mental strength this man radiated, the hours and hours of training it takes to get to where he was. The habits, the early wake ups, the being uncomfortable today for tomorrow. I am no athlete and I don’t have even have 1% of this man’s determination but I know how hard it is to get up when your bed feels so warm. To put my son to sleep and then have the willpower to get changed and go train. This is why this loss has really touched my soul.

How does this relate to health I hear some of you ask? Health – is not just a physical process. It is the mental journey each and every one of us are on day in and day out. It is that moment of despair when we feel an immense amount of grief and we don’t know how to handle it; or it is that sheer peace and calm that we all strive for and when we catch glimpses of it, we try to hold on to it tightly.

As a mum, a parent, the loss of a child is an unimaginable pain I do not wish upon anyone. I feel Kobe can RIP knowing he is with his heart, his daughter Gigi and know that there are millions in this world who never met him yet feel the sadness of his departure. 

So today I leave you with some of Kobe’s words, ethics and hope that you find inspiration from it to help your life and your health. Mamba Mentality will live on for years to come.

“Mamba mentality is all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work when it matters most. It’s the ultimate mantra for the competitive spirit.  It started just as a hashtag that came to me one day, and it’s grown into something athletes — and even non-athletes — embrace as a mindset.”

“Hard work outweighs talent — every time. Mamba mentality is about 4 a.m. workouts, doing more than the next guy and then trusting in the work you’ve put in when it’s time to perform. Without studying, preparation and practice, you’re leaving the outcome to fate. I don’t do fate.”

“Traffic started getting really, really bad,” Kobe said during the interview. “I was sitting in traffic and I wound up missing like a school play because I was sitting in traffic. This thing just kept mounting, and I had to figure out a way that I could still train and focus on the craft but still not compromise family time. So that’s when I looked into helicopters and being able to get down and back in 15 minutes.”

“Every chance I get to see my kids and spend time with them, even if it’s 20 minutes in the car, I want that.”

“Our mantra is value growth. To grow, you have to constantly learn, you have to constantly move, constantly improve. That’s the key. That’s what makes life fun.”

The mamba movement has inspired more than just pro athletes. Fans everywhere are now using the phrase as motivation to keep going, to keep pushing, and to keep fighting. So if your reading this, I hope you find the same motivation too.

Any questions or queries, catch me on Instagram @yourhealthwithharps or email

Until next week….

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