DASU Takes time out to speak with us

DASU Takes time to take to us on BhangraRelases.com about his journey in the music scene and his latest release.
1. The journey until now in the industry has it been difficult? Can you sum up your experience?
It has been difficult but that’s what life is all about, you appreciate things you work hard for. Ive been working on my craft for years now and its always about getting better as you grow older you want to discover who you are as a person and who you want to be. There is no right way of doing music because music is a feeling of a moment. That’s what my experience has taught me so far. You have to trust yourself and hope for the best.
2.What was that particular inspiration that led you to become a singer?
my inspirations are a lot of rnb music from the early 2000s I grew up on a lot of melodic music and that’s what I strive to make. Music just helps me express myself better. I believe I am born to be on stage pouring my heart out to the world about what I see and think.
3.Your current video is very well made, do you as an artist have an input into the storyline of the video?
yes as an artist I like to have control over how my product is. This video was shot with a director from California called Rock Jacob. He listened to ideas I have and came up with an amazing video. Credits to him for being a master at his craft!
4.How did your collaboration with Charly Black come about?
we (producers and I ) did a demo version of the song in Mumbai and performed it at the EVC2016 festival and people seemed to have really loved the song so when we sent it to Charly he was super down cuz he loved the song just as much. But he made the song 10x better. I Love his takes. He killed it!
5.What was it like working with Charly Black?
He is super humble. Loved working with him. He has some of the biggest hits in the world right now. I wish him the best. Hes the homie. We are boys for life now.
6.As an artist many writers must come to you with songs, how do you decide which suited to you?
Yes its funny because I turn down a lot of songs because I love a song but then when its time to record them I don’t have that feeling of writing it or its always missing the soul from me. I enjoy singing song I write myself because that’s what my music is about. My life is my art.
7.After reading your profile we can see you are very talented, what other languages can you sing in?
I can sing in English, Punjabi, Hindi and Cantonese sometimes in Spanish. I want to do it all! Why not right?
8.How would you say the Asian music industry differs from the main stream industry?
The Asian market is more for Asian people but ive seen people from all around the world loving Bollywood music. If psy can have a hit like gangnam style all over the world. Why cant we? Big up Punjabi MC. Till this day his song is played all over the world. Music has no language
9.Who is your favourite music director you have worked with?
I don’t have a fav music director. Every producer has a different take to music and that what makes music unique and different.
10.Which music director would you like to work with (both Asian & mainstream)
I would love to work with Timbaland. Hes super dope! And has done some of my fav songs
11.Who would you like to do a collaboration with from both Asian and mainstream – Male & Female?
Would love to work with Arijit Singh. He is cool.
12.Do you have any further collaborations that you are currently working on?
Yes im working on an EP right now. I might just make it a mixtape and release it for free
13.What advice would you have for someone who wants to take steps to a career in the music industry
Never give up and always believe in yourself even if no one does. Confidence can take you very very far. Also be yoursel
14.Why do you think it is difficult for Asian artist’s to make their mark in the mainstream music industry?
Well I think its because people fear what they don’t know. Our desi community has so much talent but sometimes maybe our community does not support them till they reach global success. One of the biggest populations in the world. We can do anything we wan
15.Do you have any plans to hit the Bollywood film industry, if so can you share this with us?
I want to work with Akshay Kumar. His message is very respectable and I want to be a part of it. I would never charge him. Akshay gets any music for free from me
16. Which Bollywood star would you like to do a track for?
Akshay Kumar
17.What is the highlight of your career so far?
My song Frenemies. Changed my life. Its also my message to the industry that I don’t care what they think I will always do what I want! Its all about the PEOPLE not the stuff that goes on behind the scene
18.Your track Turn Back Time is doing well in the UK, when can we expect a live performance from you for your UK fan’s
First of all thank you for all the support! Turn Back Time has been loved so much by UK and im so proud of the project. I hope to come to UK very soon! And with more new music. Cant wait to turn up with my UK people.