Young Hemi ft DJ Surinder Rattan & Surinder Shinda – Hemis Boliyan (Out Now)

‘Dil Kure’ created waves amongst the gig circuit and recived a great response at various events including the Britasia Uni Tour. The dream team, Young Hemi and DJ Surinder Rattan are back again to bring you another dance floor banger this time featuring the legendary Surinder Shinda.
Produced by one of the most versatile music producers in the UK, DJ Surinder Rattan, Young Hemi states; ‘not many people would try to mix a folk singer with hip hop and dance but I wanted to introduce a new sound not just to represent bhangra but my UK influences’.
[youtube id=”OVrzeE8nZKA” width=”620″ height=”360″]Young Hemi is sure to bring something new to the table by mixing traditional vocals with modern music! The track will definitely have the audience wanting more!
‘Hemi’s Boliyan’ is out on the 3rd of October on VIP Records.