Ranbir Daskai ft Temptasians – Kher Veh ( Full Video)

Ranbir Daskai has had a passion for music from his childhood as that’s all he has been taught by his father, coming home from school spending hours of practicing. He has a strong musical heritage from Ustad Gamdoor Aman ji, who is elder brother of legendry Sardool Sikander ji and Ustad of Daljit Neer ji. Ranbir is proud to have been musically influenced by Sardool Sikander and Daljit Neer.
Kher Veh is a musical masterpeice which Temptasians have carefully produced, ensuring high quality instruments & percussion were recorded specially.
[youtube id=”ATtc1xLBklA” width=”620″ height=”360″]A Britasia Superstar finalist Ranbir was highly regarded by Judges Shin (DCS), Alaap‘s Channi Singh, and Apache Indian this gave Ranbir the confidence to make his mark in the Asian music scene, with further projects in production with Temptasians which will highlight Ranbirs skills as a Singer & Songwriter.