

Just out of curiosity we decided to do a blog based on the Bhangra Charts. Not sure if most of you Bhangra lovers have noticed, but a lot of releases these days seem to reach Number 1 but don’t seem to keep hold of their position. Having thought about it, what really seems to grab our attention is the actual song itself. Are these number 1s actually number 1s? Simple question really, but not many answers!

But what could be the reason? Personally, We think there could be many reasons. If you think about it carefully, majority of newcomers on the scene have all seemed to reach the Number 1 position at some point. But how come artists who have been in the industry for a while, still manage to reach Number 1 aswell? Don’t get me wrong! We are not saying these artists don’t produce and release good music, but does every track deserve the top spot? Do some of these Number 1s manage to fluke their way up the charts just because of the artists/producers name?  Or it could be the fact that some not so good tracks become a hit just because they get given the Number 1 title?  We can’t really seem to figure it out. Surely not every track released in the world becomes a Number 1 so easily? But these days, it seems to be happening quite a lot.

numbner 1

Not only that, but we have also noticed that some Number 1 tracks don’t even last 24 hours. They seem to go straight up to Number 1 as soon as they have been released but over night they start to move down the charts. But what could be the explanation for this? We find it hard to believe that fresh music is released everyday for Number 1s to lose their position that quickly!

Could it be that some of these artists are deceiving? Or in other words, cheating? Could it be the fact that they pay their way up the charts and therefore make their music more recognized? We think we need to start being wearier of the tracks we dedicate our time to! And maybe just think before we rate it so high.. ‘Does this track actually deserve to be a Number 1 hit?  And who’s making it a hit?’

By Harpz ( BhangraReleases Journalist)


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