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Manni Sandhu garage remix to Sona feat Bakshi Billa! – Free Download

Check out the video to ‘Sona Garage Remix’ a free download by Manni Sandhu. Six months after the original release, Manni unleashes ‘Sona Garage’ featuring the powerful vocals of Bakshi Billa, as an ode to the era of Bhangra-Garage that he grew up listening to and still cites as the most influential era for him in terms of production. Having grew up listening to the likes of Illegal Demo, RDB, Dr. Zeus and DJ Swami amongst others, ‘Sona Garage’ aims to bring back a sound reminiscent to the days where Bhangra-Garage once reigned supreme on the industry.
Click here to download for free the Full Track
[youtube id=”BqzF2nOF81o” width=”620″ height=”360″]