
Lyrical Road To Failure

The title to this blog may confuse you at first, but if you really think about it, it kind of does make sense. These days majority of the tracks you hear within the industry are full of words that either don’t make sense, have no meaning or simply sound stupid if you were to translate them into English.

But why do artists feel the need to do this?

Being a Bhangra lover myself and constantly listening to new music, I came to realize that most of the songs that entail pointless lyrics tend to have a decent beat going on in the background which probably means the track will most likely do well. Why? Because these days, people seem to like a song if the beats good, without even giving the lyrics a chance to digest in their system. But if these people took some time to listen to what the song is actually about, am not quite sure if they would still rate it as much as they did.

Many songs in the past have proven this to be correct. Some of the biggest hits to have ever of dropped within the industry over the past 2/3 years have most likely got to that position because of its production.  For example ‘Amplifier’ by Imran Khan was probably one of the biggest hits to have done so well in ages but many have admitted to saying the lyrical content is weak. Although they may say it’s their favourite song of all time or one of the tracks they keep on repeat due to how much they love it – I suppose deep down they all know lyrics such as ‘’Woofer Tu Meri, Meh Tera Amplifier’’ – which in english means ‘’You’re my woofer and I’m your Amplifier’’ sounds pretty pointless? And not something you would say in your everyday vocabulary?

[youtube id=”uuCFRaFWjwY” width=”620″ height=”360″]

The point is, why make songs with such meaningless lyrics – is it not embarrassing? Do they not feel stupid? Or do they focus on their production and think it doesn’t matter what they say on the beat aslong as it’s catchy?

It’s not just the lyrics that sometimes put you off the track but even the videos can be very uneasy on the eye. Whether it be a video full of expensive cars and bling or generally just filled with young girls, in my eyes the song itself goes down in the books if the video is just as bad as the lyrics, even if the production is bang on.

I guess the answer I really want to get from all of this is, do these artists not feel lyrical content is important? And do they genuinely not feel embarrassed at the fact some of their lyrics may come across very derogatory?

I suppose the industry now focuses on a big name and good production. So lyrics don’t mean much anymore.. Hmmm……..

rsz_haprz11By Harpz journalist for

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