DJ Vix Talks to Bhangra Releases (Exclusive) exclusively talk to DJ Vix about his journey, thoughts about the industry & whats to come. He also mentions his favorite Mc’s
So what does Vix really stand for?
It’s a short abbreviation of my full name which is Vikram, with the added twist of mix, which combines the two…!
Dj Vix, your name starts off with DJ which clearly says what you do, but are you officially a music producer aswell?
Yes, I started up as a Dj then later stage in to my career I went in to music production, but never removed the DJ from my stage name, because my root are Djing then Music production after.
Vix you have been in the music industry for a very long and must have seen loads of changes, what’s your current thought of the industry?
The industry has become very diverse over the years, with different styles of bhangra music. Also I feel the bhangra scene has got saturated with too many people jumping on the band wagan. But some are talented artist, which is good to see the new generation of bhangra music evolving the industry.
But some are not, but this should come down to quality control form the media. It’s a shame there is no quality control, any body can but out music whether its too a good level or not. But this is not the case in the Mainstream, not any one can do a song and video and get it on MTV. It should be the same for the Bhangra/Desi music scene.
Chit Karda was a smash hit for yourself which was released back in 2004, your latest single with Malkit Singh “Desi Beat” was sure a hit track, but did it meet your expectations or do you feel the public cannot keep in touch with the overload of releases?
Yes, it most definitely met my expectations; working with Malkit Singh MBE alone was an honor in itself! The over all response all over the globe was over whelming. I do feel there is a overload of releases, but once again like I said in my previous answer the Bhangra industry needs Quality control! In my opinion when it comes to bhangra music, the fans are always looking forward to fresh high quality music, which is why I and many other good Bhangra artists are here still today.
[youtube id=”Ov12SW5eX2Q” width=”620″ height=”360″]You have worked with many legends, who has been your most favorite and why?
I’ve been privileged to work with many talented artists in my music production career. So there is no favorite they all been my favorite as I have learnt and enjoyed vibing with them all. I have learnt and absorbed a lot from them all.
[youtube id=”HIm4RnxNIpw” width=”620″ height=”360″]We noticed you liked Mcing on your tracks. Who would you say your top three Asian mc’s are and why?
My top 3 Mc’s
HMC- One of the veteran MC’s in the game. We started of together on the road performing back in the late 90’s and drum & bass events and bhangra gigs, his very versatile and has great speed also. And a fellow East London Brother…lol
MC LYCA- I Also introduced Mc Lyca in the early 2000, his a great mc with great tone and flow, put him on kind of beat he will lock his bars tight! Both Lyca & Hmc were introduced to Sukshider Shinda by me. As I am sure if you are a bhangra lover you heard of Lyca MC & HMC.
RAX STAR- I have not worked with Rax Star, but how ever I love his lyrics and the messages he puts across in his lyrical content, and has good flows to back it also.
What are your thoughts on ghost producers?
I feel credit should be given to any person who has involvement on putting a song together, so being credited is essential. And ghost producers are making music for “artist” and its becoming a repeat sound which is not exciting for the public which is not good for the scene!!!
Vix, speaking with many artists it appears that most do the music part-time as they feel there is not enough money in the industry to live off. Do you agree or can you honestly say you can live off it?
Being a DJ and producing music is my passion and has been since I can remember, and I have been very fortunate to be making a living out of my music career. So I am very great full to the man above, being able to wake up every day and do what I love best….. MUSIC!
There is hardly any hard copy albums/single releases anymore as everyone has moved onto digital releases such as itunes? However when speaking to members of the public they miss having hard copies and reading about the album. what’s your views on this?
I couldn’t agree more, as a youngster I always use to save to buy hard copies of music to add to my collection, nothing beats the feeling of unwrapping a fresh new music tape/CD at your fingertips. And reading the credits etc…….
10.Vix, not just yourself but we hardly see any bhangra artist performing at nights clubs why is this?
I believe generally there is not much happening gig wise in the UK, a lot of my public events are abroad. Also I believe, a lot of Asians are in to RnB/HipHop and other music genres, because the good bhangra music is being over flooded with music that is not at a good level so we loose public following bhangra music.
You can also note on flyers when we do have events that there are 2 arenas one for English music and onefor bhangra music and the bhangra music room will always be the smaller room but the content of people are all Asians??????
What is lined up for yourself in 2014?
I’m excited for this upcoming year as I’ll be releasing my new album, CHAPTER V, My next single will be feat Hunterz, followed by Miss Pooja & Kumar Sanu. Also be dropping the Manjit Papu album in the coming weeks titled “MY TURN”
Is there any artist that you wish to work with?
I would like to work with Jaz Dhami, think his a great UK born artist. And would love to do some thing with Atif Aslam. Big Fan of him!
We here at BhangraReleases have a strong policy in place, saying that there has never been a quality control in the industry, however we bring this in on our site. What’s your thoughts of this and the website?
BhangraReleases is a great updated website which gives the bhangra fans access to new updates and releases which I personally find useful and keeps us posted! Great work guys, keep it up!
Any final words to all our readers worldwide here on
Keep a lookout for my new album this upcoming year and big up to bhangrareleases. You can follow me on :
Twitter: DJVIXDNB, Instergram: DJVIXDNB, Facebook: DJVIXDNB, Web:
We would like to thank you DJ Vix for taking the time to talk to us here on and wish him all the success.