Des-C ft Animal – Dil Ye (Out Now)

The UK Born and bred Panjabi/Hindi Artist, Des-C is coming out with a new single “Dil Ye” The song’s official due date is set to release on the 14th February… Valentine’s Day!
Yes… I know what you’re all thinking… “not another valentines song?!” Wait till you hear this… #DilYe is set to be released as a FREE Track to download… YES FREE!!!
The all original Dil Ye is written by both Des-C and New Rap Artist/Producer… Animal! The song took (from start to finish) in total 48 hours to complete. Originally, the idea was to do a remix/freestyle video. However, after long deliberation the duo decided to put pen to pad and create something fresh.
Already starting heated debate amongst critics, whether “Dil Ye” is an actual Bollywood song or a cover?? It is safe to say Des-C & Animal mean business.
“Dil Ye” is a perfect concoction of melody and raw authentic Rap. It is fused with Des-C’s Lush Hindi-Urdu style punch lines, complimented by Animal’s unique husky rap style which leaves listeners speechless.
The song then further injects a thumping Latin inspired beat (Produced by Animal) which puts listeners in a trance and a natural state of musical high.The love song is sure to bring back old memories for some and definitely create new ones for others.
Des-C said “I have always been confident on writing around other peoples thought concepts. I think that’s my strength, this was Animal’s thought process and I could definitely relate to”.
Animal added. “It’s about catching the girl everyone wants, he thought it was just to say I got her…but actually ends up falling for her”
The song Dil Ye marks Des-C first collaboration with a rap influence since the good old Mentor Kolektiv days.
The Featuring Rap Artist/Producer “Animal” is sure to light way for many more Underground rappers who have yet to un-surface from the UK rap scene. This raw home-grown talent is definitely a name to look out for in the coming Future… which is “Animal”!
Des-C says “because of lack of funds and last minute factor we were unable to produce a well-deserved music video for Dil Ye”.
Animal added.“We believe it’s a good thing, as it gives us an opportunity to see if visuals are really needed if the song is of high quality.”
The audio single is releasing on 14th February 2018 on YouTube @theofffcialdesc and is available to download for free! The down load link will be provided on the day of release.