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Bups Saggu ft Stylish Singh – Black Magic (Out Now)

Black Magic is Bups Saggu’s latest single and is described as a mainstream level product that is not only predicted to top the charts but to mark a point in history by making Bups Saggu the first ever DJ, producer, musician, songwriter and singer in the Punjabi Music Industry.The latest edition to Bups’ countless hits is an urban Asian song in which a woman (whether or not she is a figment of his imagination) has cast a spell on Saggu in which he is completely at her disposal and love bound.

All that have heard Black Magic best describe the song having a real catchy melody and chorus that people will surely sing along to. Saggu has mentioned this song was produced over 3 years ago and only now he feels is the right time to showcase it as the product finally represents the vision he originally wanted to capture when penning the lyrics.

Saggu consciously chose Black Magic to be the first of his single releases of 2017 as it not only shows a different angle to his cemented Desi sound, it would be fresh to all listeners and not the norm that is common nowadays in Asian and urban music. Bups mentions he has not had the chance to release his own single since the dancefloor hit ‘Bodyguard’ as he has been busy with endless DJ shows mainly with the “Bups Saggu Roadshow” and collaborating on upcoming songs with other artists. Saggu adds, “In 2017, I aim to release about four of my own singles which I never got to do in 2016.

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