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Brit Asia Music Awards or The UK AMA??

Brit Asia Music Awards or The UK AMA??


Bhangra music lovers will you be voting for best singles,albums, videos, male artist to name a few categories??

I am sure you are thinking like us whats going to be the big difference between the two awards……………

Brit Asia Music Awards are taking place on 6th October 2012 – NIA Birmingham

The UK Ama Awards are taking place on 25th October 2012 – Wembley Arena.

This is what each award event is saying.


The awards ceremony will feature unprecedented performances by many A-list artists and recognise the best of British Asian music. The event will take place 6th October 2012 – NIA Birmingham!

Receiving a BATV Music Award will be the highest accolade for any Artist!

BATV represents more than just music – it represents a lifestyle, which encompasses the very soul of Asian Youth Culture in the UK.

The awards ceremony will be the biggest event of it’s kind and is sure to set new standards in the industry. This tremendous showcase will unveil the greatest artistic talent within the British Asian music scene.


The Lebara Mobile UK Asian Music Awards (UK AMA) is recognised by the viewing public and the media as the only credible event that trulyacknowledges and celebrates the achievements of the British Asian musicindustry.

Since its humble beginnings in 2002, the UK AMA has provided a platformto develop and promote music of South Asian origin throughout thecountry and beyond. The event was the first to address the music andentertainment needs of the Asian community along with highlighting thegrowth and importance of Asian music within the mainstream and worldmusic market.

As the only official Asian music awards in the UK, the UK AMA is muchmore than just a ceremony, it’s an exciting live event which encompassesthe very essence of Asian youth culture and lifestyle in Britain today.The UK AMAs is a celebration of how far the Asian music scene and thoseinvolved with it have evolved.

Do you think getting an award really makes any difference to an artist or are these awards more about making money by the public voting and buying tickets so that promoters make a profit, instead of a true awarded event??

Media Team is the premiere online destination for Asian Music. You may say that’s a bold statement…but when you have been established since 2012, we know we provide the latest industry news.Our Head Office is based in the UK, London to be exact and is one of the fastest growing Asian Music sites. Our mission; to provide “MUSIC 4 U”.

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