

By Harpz

Even though we don’t pay much attention towards the gender ratio within the Bhangra industry, when you come to think of it there really is a huge difference! Although most people may see the Bhangra scene as a manly or male dominated field, it doesn’t really say anywhere on paper, that females can’t join in too!? So why is their such a lack of female artists, what’s the restriction?

However, although we seem to come across many desi folk female singers in places like India such as the likes of Miss Pooja and Sudesh Kumari, we don’t happen to see or hear much of that here in the UK. The one’s we do see on the big screen have more of an urban edge to them rather than the desi touch. But why is that the case?

Is it because most Brit Asians have lost the connection of keeping up with their roots and not really feeling the Punjabi vibe or is it because they would much rather prefer to sing in English, a language their more comfortable in? I suppose we don’t have many answers, we just have to assume.

On the other hand, the respect for women within the working field in today’s day and age has improved massively. Back in the days when women were restricted to work or having a career, now seems to have changed. Infact there are so many women in power at this moment in time and it’s a proud feeling for us young females out there who are still aspiring to become independent individuals. Nobody said a girl can’t do what a man can do, or maybe I just made that up?! Hmm..

Maybe it’s down to the mentality within the Asian community. Maybe it’s the lack of family support they’re receiving or encouragement of going into the music field being a woman. It may be difficult to break into, but nothing in life is easy? So why are females who want to pursue a career in music hiding behind closed doors? Who knows what’s on the other side? Be different and go get it – is what I say!

However, I spoke to one of the UK’s most current and amongst one of the very few female Panjabi folk singers, Jazz Sahota, who has recently come on the scene and dropped her debut single ‘Chanjara’ not so long ago.

Jazz Sohta

I asked Jazz what her take was on the lack of female artists within the industry and what the reasons may be for why they’re not stepping forward.

Jazz said ‘’Female artists aren’t encouraged enough to bring their talent forward. And it is hard for females to break into the industry, especially if they are given the wrong guidance. The industry isn’t how it used to be. They used to give their full support to the 2/3 female artists they had, so that more of them would step forward. Back then it was a society frown to be on stage performing, in some cases it still is now. It takes a lot of courage for a female to step up, so it doesn’t really help when members of the industry discourage them and shoot their wings off before they get given the opportunity to fly. Females of our community symbolize pride and respect; we don’t want to tarnish our family names.’’

I then asked Jazz what it was like for her, during her musical journey. Was it difficult for her to break through into the industry and did she receive the right encouragement and support from her family and friends?

Jazz quotes: ‘’When I first started off, it was like a dream come true. The people I met, the help I got, I couldn’t have asked for more. You meet a handful of people who wish to help you, and many who want to see you fail. I guess it’s like that with anything you do. I was taught to fly, and little did I know my wings were shot before I even left off. So I have struggled since! Three years later I finally release my own project with the help of a few close ones, I am who I am today. My family play an important role in who I am and how I portray myself as an artist.’’

[youtube id=”sl4pYxJkSG4″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

I went on to ask Jazz what advice she would give to females who are still out there wanting to achieve the same goals but too scared to come out..

Jazz says: ‘’I would say listen to your heart, think with your brain, take every step carefully, but most of all… ENJOY.’’

Anything you would like to say to our BhangraReleases readers or messages for your fans?

 ‘’Just want to say thanks to BhangraReleases for approaching me and thank you to everybody who has supported me so far and given so much love to my debut single. My next single is to release in the summer, so be ready!’’

My Verdict:

So, having spoken to someone in the industry being a female herself, it seems it definitely comes down to the amount of support given to these ladies who want to pursue a career in music. I think any female waiting to still break through into the industry should definitely put every worry behind in thinking they are any different to the male artists out there, and stand up for the women! There is nothing wrong and nothing stopping you from what you want to do in life. You only live once [ the motto most of us live by] so why not live it to the max! Have the courage and confidence to represent and lets show the world we’re no different. GIRL POWER! Hurrrrrr! 😉








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