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Sonu Singh – Tali Te Jaan (Out Now)

Sonu Singh is back in a beat with his new track ‘Tali Te Jaan,’ produced by JC Sona with video directed by S6 Boy for Sona Entertainment. This new production has a concept inspired by a deep Sikh Martial Arts vibe, dark and guaranteed to provide goose bumps free of charge.

Sonu Singh born and raised in Rajastan, Jaipur stepped on the music forefront in 2013, having a huge connect with writing and poetry growing up, he hasn’t been short of a taal or two.  Sonu has had success globally with Judho Langda, Senti, Dil The Lagiah and Sheesha.

The ‘Tali Te Jaan’ video (meaning Fearless), features Sikh Martial Arts movements or known as Gatka, depicting the art form and strength this MA provided Sikh warriors in past times, and is still practiced today, whether in sport or as a cultural ritual

JC continues, ‘This videos content is purely about an art form and mentality it’s not about religion, it channels our direction in the form of combat training and its more cultural definitely, it’s a chance to bring Sikh Martial Arts out there to inspire and excite the viewers, just as we become inspired by Martial Arts in its common form like Kung Fu, it’s a Warrior inspired piece. We just hope you all feel our direction and beats come to life on screen and through your speakers, Sonu’s vocals make this track happen.. were all over it!’

‘Tali Te Jaan’ out now worldwide.

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